Quervain’s Tendinosis

De Quervain’s Tendinosis is swelling of the tissues around the base of the thumb. In this condition the tendons (tissues) at the base of the thumb become thick which causes pain and tenderness in the thumb side of the wrist.
Symptoms of Quervain’s Tendinosis
The symptoms of the De Quervain’s Tendinosis are:
- Pain and tenderness at the base of your thumb
- Swelling near the base of your thumb
- Inability to move moving your thumb and wrist
- A pain that comes and goes away when moving the thumb
- Numbness on the thumb side of the wrist sometimes

Causes of Quervain’s Tendinosis

The cause of De Quervain’s Tendinosis is not exactly unknown, though the conditions are related to include repetitive activity that cause over use of the tendons like:
- Arthritis Conditions
- Injury history
- Sports like golfing
- Regularly lifting heavy substance
- Excess Sewing and Knitting
- Excessive use of mouse and keyboard
- Certain gardening activities like digging
- Hobbies like Playing piano or even fishing
Women over the age of 40 are most commonly affected by this condition.
Preventing De Quervain’s Tendinosis
The condition could easily be prevented. This involves taking into routine some actions that will help lead an overall healthy lifestyle.
The de Quervain’s tenosynovitis condition could also be avoided, first by diagnosing early, and then working over the remedies. These remedies include:
- Controlling repetitive activities
- Taking appropriate breaks between activities
- Regular stretching exercises of the wrist and fingers
- Maintaining overall fitness
Diagnosis Quervain’s Tendinosis
A physical examination is conducted by the doctor on the affected thumb. The thumb could be moved up and down to see how conditions are causing the pain. The doctors could also apply some pressure to check the affected areas.
Tests to find out other conditions like arthritis could be necessary. Other tests, whether required or not, depend on patient to patient and must be recommended by the consulting doctor.
Treatment for De Quervain’s Tendinosis
The non surgical treatment includes:
- Applying heat or ice pads to relieve tendons
- Putting the wrist to rest
- Medication (Certain drugs or injections to ease the tissues)
- Wearing a splint or wrist strap to support and restrict the motion
A De Quervain’s Tendinosis pain, which is not healing even after non surgical remedies, could be treated by surgery as per the doctor’s suggestion after the diagnosis.
The surgery could involve loosening of tissues by making an incision over the palm and working on the hand tendons. Physiotherapy is advised after the surgery for regaining the full thumb and wrist movement.

Recovery after treatment
The recovery could take up to 4 to 6 weeks that depends upon the extent of the condition.
A hand splint (strap) is advised to be put after the surgery. Physiotherapy and medication are must after the surgery. This allows the wrist and thumb muscles to strengthen, prevent pain and gain back the lost motion.
After the treatment and recovery, precautions must be taken to avoid the conditions that have caused it. Repetitive motions are to be avoided and resting and regular exercises are to be continued.
The Upper Limb Clinic, Thane west, is dedicated clinic for all diseases related to Knee, Hand, Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist. Contact us today for De Quervain’s Tendinosis condition to get better and accurate treatment.